God is going to do a new thing in 2021 (Isaiah 43:16-21)
2020 was a year in which we were expecting great things in our lives, our families, our churches, and our nations. But with COVID-19, there were sounds of disappointment, hopelessness for many of us. On the other hand 2020, pointed us back to the existence of God, especially those who were believing in their strength, intelligence, or money, COVID-19 showed us that everything can stop just in a second. During lockdown when we were not working, when it was difficult to buy what we want or go where we want, God manifested himself by feeding us as he did for Israelites in the wildness. There are brothers and sisters whom we lost due to COVID-19, and for some, we were not even able to celebrate their lives or say goodbye due to COVID-19 restrictions. But as we start 2021, let be thankful to God who sees us through 2020. With the help of the prophecy through Isaiah to the Israelites, I want to tell you that "GOD IS GOING TO DO A NEW THING IN 2021."
Prophecy of 2021: "Stop clinging to the past, forget it because God is going to do a new thing in 2021, God is going to deliver you, what you consider impossible is what God is going to enable you to do."
This is what the Lord says he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, 17 who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 20 The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, 21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. (Isaiah 43:16-21)
Why should we stop clinging to the past and forget about it?
In our nature often we dwell on our past successes, victories, or failures. However, when Isaiah was given the message of exiled Israelites, God began by telling them to stop clinging to the past, and not to worry about the past. There are three reasons why you and I should be like the Israelites and stop sticking to the past, especially in 2020:
1. The new thing God is going to do in 2021 will not depend on the good or bad deeds we have done in 2020 but will be based on the fact that God is the one who said that he is doing something new and he will do it.
2. The past is gone and will not come back, we need to focus on what's new,the future.
3. Because every year has its own things, we should stop holding on the former things as new ones are ahead of us.
What is the new thing that God is going to do?
The new thing is that “God is going to make a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland"V.19. The new thing God is going to do is to take care of your problems, to do great things that you cannot do or imagine. 2020 was a year of passing through the desert called COVID-19, but in 2021 God is telling us to forget former things and stop worrying. 2020 has been a dry one for many of us, but in 2021 God is going to water our lives with blessings.
What can you do to receive the new thing that God is going to do in 2021?
To be able to receive the new thing that God is going to do in 2021, there are three key things to consider:
1. Stop looking or thinking backward (v. 18)
Like the Israelites we are to forget the past and stop worrying about it, meaning that we should stop looking backward but look ahead unto God throughout 2021, and in doing so we will receive what God is about to do.
2. Stop worrying about the past, but trust God that he is going to do what he alone can do.
Instead of continuing to worry about the past that will not come back, let 2021 be a year of trusting God. When there is doubt there is no faith, that’s why we must not worry or doubt based on what happened in the past, or what happened in 2020 and have faith in God. The good and great new thing that God is going to do in 2021 is for those who have faith, not for the doubters.
3. Strive to do what God created you for, to glorify him (V.21)
God created us for one thing, to glorify him and this means to worship him by doing his will. God as our father wants us to praise, worship him throughout 2021 and do what pleases Him. Let this year 2021, be the one to continue to worship God. Thus, we will inevitably receive a new thing that God is doing. Let our dresses, life style, our relationship with God, and people be transformed into acts of worship. If we glorify God, He will keep doing what he alone can do, that is great things in our lives.
Before concluding, I pray that Isaiah 43:19 be the verse that will help you to keep remembering that God is doing a new thing this year. "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Prophecy of 2021: "Stop clinging to the past, forget it because God is going to do a new thing in 2021, God is going to deliver you, what you consider impossible is what God is going to enable you to do."
Pastor Joel Kubwimana
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